
您的成绩单包含您的正式永久学习记录,并由大学注册处认证. Since it contains confidential information, 你的成绩单只有在你提出书面要求或通过安全的, password-protected system.


Current Students

目前在澳门金沙线上赌博官网注册的学生和刚毕业的学生应该通过 TigerPAWS by clicking on Transcript Request within the student menu.


You can request your official transcript using Parchment or submit a written request to us via fax, mail, or walk-in visit. 您的书面请求必须包括以下信息:

  • 目前的全名(以及在澳门金沙线上赌博官网学习期间使用的任何其他名字)
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Contact information (e.g., current address, telephone number, email address)
  • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网本科生或研究生的入学日期
  • Education level (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, or both)
  • Degree(s) received, if any
  • Address(s) where you want your transcript(s) sent


Your signature authorizing the request and release of information

Replacement Diploma


  1. submitting the Replacement Diploma Request form to us
  2. paying the $25 fee online


Student Rights

Trinity University complies with the 1974年的《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》, as amended. 该法案旨在通过维护教育记录的隐私来保护学生的权利, 确立学生查阅学业记录的权利, 并提供纠正不准确或误导性信息的指导方针. 

Upon enrollment in college, FERPA赋予的权利从家长转移到学生个人. Therefore, it is important to note that in many circumstances, 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏可能不允许公布有关学生记录的信息. Although certain exceptions apply, under FERPA, grades, financial information, 以及其他教育记录,未经学生事先书面许可,不得透露给家长或学校以外的任何人.

Students' employment records, medical treatment records, 而且大多数咨询记录都不是FERPA定义的教育记录. 学校不允许将医疗记录或受保护的咨询记录中的信息透露给任何人, including parents, without specific prior written consent of the student, if the student is at least 18 years old. 

如果你对大学关于学术记录披露的政策有疑问, please contact the University Registrar ( 

如果学生想让家长或第三方查阅自己的记录,必须填写 Consent to Release Educational Records form and submit this form to the Office of the Registrar.


View the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act Policy

Parent’s Guide to FERPA

成年的过渡期会带来许多新的经历、责任和选择. 在澳门金沙线上赌博官网,学生们在学术生涯之初会发现一个显著的不同是,他们被期望在学习经历中充当自己的倡导者,必须为指导自己的进步和实现自己的目标承担主要责任. Of course, parents and others may offer their support, 我们绝大多数的学生都渴望得到这样的支持.

大学鼓励学生的责任和个人的主动性,同时保持遵守联邦立法和保密原则. Upon enrollment in college, the rights afforded under FERPA 是否从家长转移到学生个人身上. Therefore, it is important to note that in many circumstances, 澳门金沙赌城线上游戏可能不允许向家长提供教育记录.

Because parents have significant concern for, 以及对孩子学习成绩的合理关注, 家长和学生就教育记录的公开达成一个双方都满意的协议是很重要的. 

家长如欲收到成绩报告或查阅其他受保护的教育记录,应要求其子女签署一份 Consent to Release Educational Records form. If this form is completed, 除非学生以书面形式撤销同意,否则家长可以书面要求收到成绩报告. 


Degree Verification

A written request is required. We accept faxed and mailed requests. 所有申请必须附有学生签署的同意书. 请求按照收到请求的顺序进行处理,通常为3-5个工作日. 在每学期开始和结束的高峰时段允许额外的时间(注册和开始).

Trinity University subscribes to the National Student Clearinghouse service for enrollment verifications.